Corporate Domiciliation
To open a company in Bulgaria it is necessary to have a Bulgarian address, for this T Cube Group provides company domiciliation services in Sofia:
For dormant companies the service is free.
For the operating companies registered with VIES, the service is subject to a fee and is billed every year.
The management of correspondence, except for that handled by accountants, will be carried out according to the customer’s instructions.
It can be opened, scanned and sent via email or redirected in a sealed envelope to an address in the customer’s country of origin.
In fact, not only do communications regularly arrive from the Bulgarian tax authorities, which must be managed on schedule, but the registered office of the company can be subject to routine verification by the Bulgarian tax authorities.
Especially in the event that the company carries out VAT-free intra-community transactions.
This is why the domiciliations take place in real and operational offices.
An answering service is also available from a secretary, to the company’s landline phone number, in English and Bulgarian, with a personalized welcome message and collection of messages following the customer’s instructions.